Become a Citizen Scientist

Your experience with symptoms matters! Make it count by sharing your experience.

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Welcome to Citizen Science!

This project is led by Dr. Linda Li at University of British Columbia. Your participation is entirely voluntary, and you have the right to withdraw from the project whenever you want. If you decide to stop participating, you can simply stop using this website or delete your account.

There are no known risks associated with using the website. The potential benefits of participating is that you will try out a new website designed to change the public’s involvement in generating questions for health research. In other words, your contributions are important, as your experience with your symptoms will help to generate meaningful research questions to help researchers better understand the reality of how symptoms, such as pain, affect people differently.

Any data that is made publicly available through publication will be de-identified. That means your name and any other information that can identify you personally will not be used. Making the de-identified data publicly available should pose no risk to your privacy. It should be noted that once the data is made publicly available, you will not able to withdraw this data.

Visit our privacy policy for more information on how Citizen Science has taken actions to minimize confidentiality risks. Please also visit the FAQ section for more information if you have concerns about your rights.

Feel free to contact us for all website related inquiries.

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